Commercial Capital of India, Bombay (Mumbai), is in the western part of the country. This part also include the states like Goa and Gujarat in addition to Maharashtra. Western Part is popular because of Bombay, Goa (for its beaches), Rann of Kutch (Gujarat), Temples of Ajanta & Ellora (Aurangabad,Maharashtra) & Wildlife Santuaries in Gujarat.
After the vibrant atmosphere of Bombay, allow the palm-fringed beaches of Goa to warm your spirit in the sun and relax your mind. Or meditate in cool and ancient Buddhist caves tunnelled out of solid rock on the craggy hillsides – a dramatic contrast from the colourful fairs and festivals in unspoiled Gujarat. The choice is once again tremendous in this land that offers everything Bombay – Gateway of India.
There is a powerful life force at work in this thriving, modern commercial city, with its plateglass skyscrapers and hectic colorful street life. The pace and confusion is vibrant, with businessmen hurrying to work, hooting traffic, fisherwomen in their bright sarees and ‘Tiffinwallahs’ hurrying with their metal containers to deliver the businessman’s lunch direct from his home to his office.
After relaxing on Chowpatty beach under the cool evening sky, sipping refreshing milk from a large green coconut, you will start to love Bombay. You will feel ready to visit the elegant and world famous Taj Mahal hotel for a delicious snack or drink while watching the sunset over the many boats in the harbour.
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